Waking Up The Self in a World That’s Asleep

licht19We’ve all heard the buzz about a collective awakening occurring on our planet.


It is true that people are increasingly disconnecting from the mainstream-matrix, which dominates the mentality of the masses, and learning new ways to think and act. Much of this focuses on understanding the external realm, such as the truth about corrupt power structures, the fraudulent monetary system and other injustices of the world, yet we’re waking up other aspects of the self too.

The biggest internal shift is the philosophical shift, backed by revolutionary science which has emerged from specific disciplines. Essentially, reality is fundamentally connected, with consciousness making a comeback as the core fabric of reality. However, this knowledge has been lived and breathed for many centuries in various tribal traditions and spiritual systems, so really it’s a rebirth on both a rational and planetary scale.

Furthermore, there are other changes that individuals are creating within themselves too, particularly in terms of health. This doesn’t just apply to physical and mental health either; energetic, emotional, creative, intellectual, social and behavioral health all have their place in this transformation.

It is waking up these aspects of the self that I discuss in the video linked at the end, but first what follows is a rationale for embracing our ego, instead of rejecting it.

The Death of the Ego-Death

To wake up and take better care of the various layers of our health, we need our ego intact. There’s a new/old age belief that we need to kill the ego, however on closer inspection let’s hope it’s only referring to a small aspect of what the ego really is. I loosely used to be part of the ‘condemn the ego’ movement, but not anymore. As ideas no longer make sense to me I have evolved my view, including this one.

Personally, the idea that we should kill our ego is nonsensical. Now of course I’m not talking about transcending the egotistical and self-absorbed aspects of our personality, nor the false belief that at our core we are a separated being in a matter-based reality. These aspects of the human ego should most definitely be left behind in our wake of self-empowerment.

To begin with, there are many definitions for many words, so the definition I use for ‘ego’ is the fundamental version: ‘a conscious thinking subject’. Based on this meaning, the ego is simply our ‘human-ness’, ‘self-ness’ or ‘I-ness’. The difficulty in maintaining a belief in an ego-death already becomes obvious as every single human being clearly has an ego. In fact, each human being is an ego. The truth be told; we all think, eat, shit, talk, love, learn and grow, don’t we? That question is of course rhetorical, because if we can actually answer it, then we have an ego firmly in place.

There are more superficial versions of this word too, such as ‘the part of the mind that mediates between the conscious and the unconscious and is responsible for reality testing and a sense of personal identity.’ My critique applies to this description too because as a human there is a fundamental need to mediate our subconscious drivers and our conscious perception of the world around us. In effect, without our ego, there would be no ‘subjective observation’ to actually have an experience, because that perception is literally filtered through the ego.

The other more common definition that is less relevant to this discussion is ‘a person’s sense of self-esteem or self-importance’. Obviously this is an aspect of the self that most of us would agree should be regulated in an appropriate and healthy way, so there’s no need to elaborate on this here.

Now I know what many people in the spiritual community might say, which is something along the lines of “the subject is illusory, there’s only awareness”, or something to that effect. But before your ego jumps to judge, hear me out, because I want to make my position super clear.




