Changing the Vibration of Depression


happy7Depression can be defined as feeling blue,unhappy, miserable, or down in the dumps.  Of course, depression can not be pinned down and labeled with just a few words.  For any emotion we encounter that causes us to feel powerless, trying to find a specific label may be far too complex.


Girl With Her Head In Her Hands Sad And Unhappy About Something

Depression, and emotional states like depression,  are a vibratory state that your soul has brought you to for a reason. Your soul is all knowing and wise, and no matter where you may find yourself or what state you may be in, it is all in good alignment.

What is important when dealing with any kind of emotional or mental imbalance is observing and understanding what it is that has you hitting the pause button on your life. Sometimes you feel you don’t know why you are feeling this way.  Feelings like that are normal and okay, but simply asking yourself questions starts the process of raising you out of your despair.

I am sure you have all heard the saying “Where thought goes, energy flows”, and this could not be more true.

If you are seeking clarity on your situation when in emotional states such as depression, being focused on the solution and what you are working towards is positive movement.

Of course, when dealing with depression staying focused on the positive is not something that comes easily. In fact,  it will seem like nothing will come easily and everything that is going wrong will never transform.