The Change We Want To See In The World Is Impossible


helende muziekWhatever you do for the highest benefit of your Self (and that is Self with a capital S rather than the egoistic self) is naturally of the highest benefit to others for there is no separation between your Self and all that is.


We need to firmly ground an alternative body of thought and action on the vision of the self-illuminated human. Science, education, government, morality, and ethics, have not only to be recast in this light, but also reconceived in it.

Our concept of ourselves as individuals in control of our destinies underpins much of our existence, from how we live our lives to the laws of the land. The way we treat others, too, hinges largely on the assumption that they have a sense of self similar to our own.

The self is the idea of a unified being which is the source of consciousness. Moreover, this self is the agent responsible for the thoughts and actions of an individual to which they are ascribed. It is a substance, which therefore endures through time; thus, the thoughts and actions at different moments may pertain to the same self. 


First, let us discuss the difference between Self and the egoistic self. That which is your true beingness and is a spark of Divine Creator is your Self. How you define yourselves from the 3D level and label as self is nothing more than a series of beliefs or programs that create the illusion of separation so that you may don a role as a distinct individual. It is the only way to play in the 3D game.

The egoistic self is not real. It never can be as it has no true foundation. The egoistic self is the facade that is placed over the Self which is always your core and the true foundation of who you are. Psychological egoism claims that each person has but one ultimate aim: his or her own welfare. This allows for action that fails to maximize perceived self-interest, but rules out the sort of behavior psychological egoists like to target -- such as altruistic behavior or motivation by thoughts of duty alone. It allows for weakness of will, since in weakness of will cases I am still aiming at my own welfare; I am weak in that I do not act as I aim.

And it allows for aiming at things other than one's welfare, such as helping others, where these things are a means to one's welfare.

So many of you are now finding yourselves deeply fatigued, lost, stuck, and unsure, as well as creating physical imbalances so that you are forced to focus your attention once again on Self. No work may be done if you are not taking care of Self first. For to neglect the Self means you are imbalanced in the flow of giving and receiving, and eventually, there will be no energy to give.

No matter whether you are feeling stuck, ill, lost or fatigued, the remedy is the same for at the root of all imbalance is the illusion of separation. It is the key to spiritual, mental, and physical alchemy. More of you will create these scenarios so that you begin creating a practice of Self awareness. You MUST become more conscious in every moment and direct your energy.

We are all capable of becoming something more through consciousness. Think of the most reputable figure, whether it be in the secular or non-secular are more than capable of his or her accomplishments. Throughout human history, individuals and groups with awakening consciousnesses have been striving to break the code of the unconscious, to gain access to the locked programs of their unconscious minds and revise them, in other words -- to take conscious control of their psychospiritual evolution.

In the past is was much easier for you to “coast” for a while before becoming conscious and recalibrating your thoughts, feelings and emotions for desired manifestation. Remember, we have told you time and again that frequencies move through time and space at different rates due to your 3D perception of reality. This is why time appears to be compressing and your 24 hour day feels more like what 12 hours used to feel like. Because the overall lower frequency of the past, your creations could coast longer before you had to energetically reinforce them. You knew manifestation required more time so more energy was infused into the pulsation of the frequency. Now that your overall frequency is higher you know that not as much energy is required to manifest so your creations don’t have the extra energy infused within to coast. This is creating for many of you the illusion of being stuck or stagnant because you are no longer coasting and have forgotten that you must consciously direct your energy. This is why we highly recommend you create a practice for yourself in which you are recalibrating and consciously directing your energy throughout the day. When you take time to check in on Self, you can recharge, rebalance and refocus you energy so that you can be of the greatest service.

Many of you are still operating out of obligation. In fact, you may be shocked at just how often you act out of obligation rather than curiosity. On average, well over 75% on any given day is acted out of obligation or fear. Obligation is always fear based and a conditional exchange of energy. Becoming aware of what drives your actions will assist you in moving into a more heart centered space and an unconditional place of service. If you find yourself acting out of obligation, either don’t do it or reframe your perspective of how you engage with the action or activity so that it is a truly unconditional experience. 

Psycho-spiritual evolution is the cultivation and integration of depth and vastness in the process of evolving consciousness: psychological depth and spiritual vastness through Self. Or we could call it the evolution of sustainable sanity -- sanity that transcends the default responses of the reptilian brain and sustains conscious choice in the midst of stressful, frightening situations.

Many of you you still cling to the idea that saying no is selfish, but to be of the highest service, you must be giving and receiving in equal measure. If you are always giving and not allowing yourself to receive then you will be energetically bankrupt, in such a state to be of little service to anyone.

To recap, get into the driver’s seat. Become more aware at any given moment of where you are vibrating. Be conscious of your creations and actions. Are they out of obligation or curiosity? Take time for Self. Review. Feel what you’ve been too busy to feel. Nurture Self so that you will be well nourished to be of the greatest service to others.
Know that there is tremendous support for you. You need only ask. When you take time to connect to Self you can receive your answers.